Multisensory Integration DEMO

In and, we implement the SNNs based multisensory integration framework. To load the dataset, preprocess it and get the weights with the function get_concept_datase_dic_and_initial_weights_lst()​. We use IMNet​ or ​AMNet​ to describe the structure of the IM/AM model. For presynaptic neuron, we use the function convert_vec_into_spike_trains()​ to generate the spike trains.

While for postsynaptic neuron, we use the function reducing_tol_binarycode() to get the multisensory integrated output for each concept. And tol is the only parameter.

In, we will measure and visualize the results.

Multisensory Dataset

When implement the model in braincog, we use the famous multisensory dataset–BBSR.

Some examples are as follows:

Concept Visual Somatic Audiation Taste Smell
advantage 0.213333333 0.032 0 0 0
arm 2.5111112 2.2733334 0.133333286 0.233333 0.4
ball 1.9580246 2.3111112 0.523809429 0.185185 0.111111
baseball 2.2714286 2.6071428 0.352040714 0.071429 0.392857
bee 2.795698933 2.4129034 2.096774286 0.290323 0.419355
beer 1.4866666 2.2533334 0.190476286 5.8 4.6
bird 2.7632184 2.027586 3.064039286 1.068966 0.517241
car 2.521839133 2.9517244 2.216748857 0 2.206897
foot 2.664444533 2.58 0.380952429 0.433333 3
honey 1.757142867 2.3214286 0.015306143 5.642857 4.535714

How to Run

To get the multisensory integrated vectors:

cd examples/MultisensoryIntegration/code

To measure and analysis the vectors:

cd examples/MultisensoryIntegration/code